Operations & Maintenance

Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of the wastewater infrastructure is a core component in the strategic set-up of the WMA. Serving around 28.04% of the Mauritian population, the O&M division works in line with the policy of the Government to provide its services to residential units, commercial establishments and industries. Through the O&M activities, the Authority provides service to around 95,258 households throughout the island.

The O&M Division operates from the Head Office and the three sub offices. The key task of the section is to ensure that the wastewater collection system is kept in good working condition, that is, the sewer lines are adequately maintained so that they can efficiently accomplish their intended function of collecting and conveying wastewater to the treatment plant under strict sanitary conditions.

It is the policy of the Authority to protect the population from potential health hazards arising from wastewater discharges. In accordance with the above mentioned policy, the operations and maintenance activities take on board the following:

  • Preventive maintenance programme to maintain the integrity of the wastewater collection and treatment system.
  • Regular sewer inspection for the detection of physical damage which is followed by immediate and appropriate repairs,
  • Immediate response to all sewer related complaints followed by prompt correction of defective condition,
  • Repair, rehabilitation, replacement of sewer line and raising of manhole covers,
  • Carrying out sewer deviation works.
  • Issuing of license to private wastewater carriers that collect septage from premises for disposal at Roche Bois Wastewater Disposal Station.