Position Statement of Chairperson of Board

1. Meetings

The Chairperson is responsible for:

  1. Chairing Board.
  2. Upholding rigorous standards of preparation for meetings.
  3. Running the Board and ensuring its effectiveness in all aspects of its role, including regularity and frequency of meetings.
  4. Setting the Board agenda, taking into account the issues and concerns of all Board Members.  The agenda should be forward looking, concentrating on strategic matters.
  5. Ensuring that there is appropriate delegation of authority from the Board to executive management and Board Committees.
  6. Ensuring the Board’s Committees are properly structured with appropriate terms of reference;
  7. Encouraging all Board Members to engage in Board and Committee meetings by drawing on their skills, experience, knowledge and, where appropriate, independence.
  8. Ensuring that the Board Members receive accurate, timely and clear information, including that on the organisation’s current performance, to enable the Board to take sound decisions, monitor effectively and provide advice to promote the success of the organisation.
  9. Managing the Board to allow enough time for discussion of complex or contentious issues.  The Chairperson should ensure that Board Members have sufficient time to consider critical issues and obtain answers to any questions or concerns they may have and are not faced with unrealistic deadlines for decision making.
  10. Ensuring that the decisions taken by the Board are executed.

2. Board Members

Facilitating the effective contribution of Board Members and encouraging active engagement by all Members of the Board.

3. Induction, Development, Succession and Performance Evaluation

  1. Ensuring that new directors participate in a full, formal and tailored induction programme, facilitated by the Secretary to the Board.
  2. Ensuring that the development needs of Board Members are identified and, with the Secretary to the Board having a key role, that these needs are met. The Board Members should be able to continually update their skills and the knowledge and familiarity with the Authority required to fulfil their roles on the Board and its Committees.
  3. Mentoring to develop skills and enhance Board Members’ confidence and encourage them to speak up and make an active contribution at meetings.
  4. Identifying the development needs of the Board as a whole to enhance its overall effectiveness as a team.
  5. Ensuring the performance of the Board, its Committees and individual Board Members are evaluated at least once a year and acting on the results of such evaluation by recognising the strengths and addressing the weaknesses of the Board.

4. Relations with shareholders

Ensuring effective communication with stakeholders.