The St Martin Wastewater Treatment Plant was constructed in 2004, and has a hydraulic design capacity of 69,000 m3/day and treats wastewater up to tertiary level. The wastewater is treated in three (3) stages in the plant comprising inter alia of the primary, secondary and tertiary treatment process. The tertiary treated effluent from the plant is either supplied for the irrigation of sugar cane through 2 Nos. irrigation canals, namely, La Ferme and Magenta or discharged to the sea outfall. The more so, it is used for landscaping irrigation, as service water for cleaning on the plant, and a source of water for jetting units.
The sludge generated from the primary settling tank and secondary treatment are thickened and undergo stabilization through anaerobic digestion and finally dewatered prior to carting away to the Mare Chicose Landfill.
The Plant also includes a Combined Heat & Power system for the heating of sludge for digestion and power generation. The electricity generation through co-generation is about 15 to 20% of the total plant energy consumption