Contract WW509W - Construction of Trunk Sewer, Reticulation Network and CWA Connection Works
Quotation No. 1492 of 2023/24 - Procurement for Provision of Security Services at WMA Head Office and Other Sites (WMA/IFB/2024/1332)
WW424: Upgrading of sewer line along J.Nehru Street, Phoenix-Phase II
WW389W: Sewage project at Valentina, Phoenix
WW406: Construction of New Office at Curepipe
WW397W: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Wastewater Pump and Accessories at Wastewater Pumping Station
WW399W: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of One Wastewater Pump and Accessories at Baie du Tombeau BT1 Pumping Station
QUO 159 of 2018/2019: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Navigation Buoy at Baie Du Tombeau Sea Outfall
QUO 113/18/19 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of One VSD Module for Fort Victoria Pumping Station
WW388G : Supply and Commissioning of Computers and Convertible Laptops/Tablets
WW379S: Provision of Intruder Alarm System with a 24-hr Full Monitoring Response at WMA Pumping Station
WW377W: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Wastewater Pumps, Accessories and Associated Works at Grand Baie Pumping Station
WW350W: Supply, Installation,Testing and Commissioning of Wastewater Pumps and Associated Equipment at Caudan Sub-Office
Contract 347S: ERP Notice of Award V1
Contract 354S: Supply, Installation, Configuration, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of an IP-Based PBX System and Setting up of a Wide Area Network at the WMA
WW353 W: Framework Agreement for Sewer Extension Works and Sewer Maintenance Works
WMA-OAB-346W: Proj 280 Design and Construction of Sewer Reticulation at Tranquebar
WMA-OAB-WW339W: Rehabilitation of Sewerage Infrastructure at Residence Paul et Virginie Port Louis
WMA-OAB-WW306W: Sewerage Project at Kensington Place Petit Verger PAS
WMA-OAB-337W: Rehabilitation of Sewerage Infrastructure at Residence Palmerstone Phoenix
AOB-WMA-WW338W: Rehabilitation of Sewerage Infrastructure at residence La Cure PL
438W – Procurement of Civil Works at Montagne Jacquot Treatment Plant and Fort Victoria and Pointe Aux Sables Pumping Stations
Contract 435W - Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Half-Bridge Clarifiers and Associated Works at Flacq WWTP
Contract 461W – Refurbishment Works on Sand Filters at St Martin Wastewater Treatment Plant
WMA/OAB/447W – Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Optical Fibre Backbone, Networking and Civil Works at St Martin Wastewater Treatment Plant
WMA/OAB/467S - Repairs & Maintenance of WMA Fleet of Vehicles
QUO 575 of 2021/22 – Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Wastewater Submersible Pumps and Accessories at Terre Rouge Wastewater Pumping Station
Contract WW479W - Procurement of Sewer Connection for Victoria Urban Terminal
WW 465 W - Wastewater Project at La Source Phase 1
Contract WW 477 C - Consultancy Services for Lot 1: Bain des Dames and Lot 2: Caro, Vallee Des Pretres
Consultancy Services for Detailed Design, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Supercision of Works dor Lot 1: Bain des Dames and Lot 2: Caro Lalo, Vallee des Pretres
Contract WW 466C – Consultancy Services for Review of Feasibility Study, Detailed Design and Preparation of Bidding Documents for Sewerage Project at Camp Cavale Robinson, Curepipe
Contract WW 49 lW- Rehabilitation/Provision of Sewerage Infrastructure at Residence Vallée des Prétres and Bernardin de St Pierre Road — CHA IV
Contract WW 457C: Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Detailed Design and Preparation of Bidding Documents for Sewerage Project at Rodrigues
Contract No.503G - WMA/ONB/1054/22/23- Procurement of Suction Hose for Cesspool Emptier of Capacity 6000L
Contract No.501G - WMA/ONB/1063/22/23 Procurement of Crew Cab Lorry
Contract WW486W - Wastewater Project at Morcellement Goolamally and Environs-Phrase 2- Terre Rouge
Contract WW488C: Sewerage Project at Pointe aux Sables – Consultancy Services for Detailed Design and Preparation of Bidding Document
Contract WW505W: Permanent Road Reinstatement of Priority Roads under the Grand Baie Sewerage Project Phase 1B
Contract WW499W - Sewerage Project at Cite La Ferme Bambous
Contract WW500W - Sewerage Division Works along Sivananda Avalue(Opposite Vacoas Market)
Pailles Guibies Sewerage Project - Phase2A Contract No. WW515W – Permanent Road Reinstatement Works at Pailles
QUO/1343/23/24 - Procurement for Supply, Installation, Configuration and Commissioning of Unified Threat Management System at the WMA
Pailles Guibies Sewarage Project - Phrase 2B - Contract WW512C - Services of a Quantity Serveyor/Consultant
Contract WW502W - Sewerage Project at Chamarel (WMA/IFB/2024/1276)
Quotation No.1446 of 2023/24 - Procurement of Crew Cab Lorry (WMA/IFB/2024/1280)